Figure 3

Trypanosoma dionisii as an experimental model to study anti-Trypanosoma cruzi drugs: A comparative analysis with benznidazole, posaconazole and amiodarone

De Souza W*, Barrias ES and Borges TR

Published: 17 October, 2018 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 014-023


Figure 3:

Posaconazole- and amiodarone-induced surface alterations in T. dionisii epimastigotes observed using SEM. Untreated epimastigotes (A) display usual morphologies and surface topologies. Epimastigotes treated with 1µM posaconazole during 72 hours (B) showed a cell body contortion while treatment with 5µM amiodarone demonstrated a dramatic reduction in flagellum length (C). Bars = 1 µm.

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