
Review Article

Evolution of Antifungal Activity of Artemisia herba-alba Extracts on Growth of Aspergillus sp. and Rhizopus sp.

Eman MG Gebreil, Nagwa SA Alraaydi, Saleh HM EL-Majberi and Idress Hamad Attitalla*

Published: 11 February, 2025 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-006

Plant extracts and their constituents have a long history as antifungal agents, but their use in biotechnology as preservatives, due to the increasing resistance of fungi to fungicides, has been rarely reported in Libya. The aim of this study is to evaluate the antifungal activity of ethanol extract and water extract of the wild native plant Artemisia herba-alba against two genera of mold fungi Aspergillus sp. and Rhizopus sp. This mold fungal causes significant damage to crops in the field or during storage. In this study, a hot ethanol extract was prepared using a device Soxhlet, and water extract hot as well as a cold ethanol extract and cold-water extract aqueous extract three concentrations (25% - 50% - 75%) of plant extracts were used on the tested fungi. All extracts showed an effect on the tested fungi. The concentrations of (75% - 50%) of the extracts had an effect on the tested fungi, while most concentrations of 25% of the extracts did not record any effect on the tested fungi. The hot ethanol extract of the Artemisia herba-alba plant was more effective than the other extracts. Aspergillus sp. was recorded with the highest inhibitory zone (0.73 mm).  

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Antifungal activity; Artemisia herba-alba; Aspergillus sp.; Rhizopus sp.


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