
Research Article

Comparative Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Methods for the Treatment of Surgical Soft Tissue Infection

AO Okhunov*

Published: 17 November, 2023 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 005-011

Background: The presence of a multifaceted microbiological etiological factor of surgical infection and differentiated sensitivity to antibacterial drugs determines the need to develop more effective means and methods of influencing the purulent microflora of wounds. Physical treatment factors, in particular, low-frequency ultrasound and ionised plasma flows, should be considered promising for solving this problem.
Materials and methods: The research was carried out based on the Scientific Center of Microbiology and the clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy. Bacteriological studies of wound discharge and biopsy material were carried out. We studied the material of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues.
Results: Wound-sounding through a dioxidine solution is most effective against gram-negative bacteria, and ultrasonic cavitation in combination with iodopyrone is most effective against gram-positive microorganisms. Treatment of purulent wounds with low-frequency ultrasound through a mixture of iodopyrone solution and ascorbic acid is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. Argon plasma flows have a high bactericidal effect mainly on gram-negative bacteria.
Conclusion: The obtained data substantiate the need to choose a physical method of treatment of purulent wounds depending on the species composition of the wound microflora.

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Surgical infection of soft tissues; Physical methods of treatment; Microbiological characteristics


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